Monday, November 12, 2007

Something called Love

Sweet roses and long kisses,
Deep longing till the sun rises,
Songs of adoration said in sync,
With the lips, without voices.

Like a child who saw her father,
Running towards, no falter,
Warm little embrace that reminds him of late mother,
Engraved in heart, forever.

Sometimes spelled surrender,
The utter of a meek sorry,
Tears of trust from a worshipper,
Realisation of selfishness, me only.

Patient, kind,
Does not envy or boast, not proud,
Not rude or self-seeking, not easily angered,
Keeps no record of wrongs,
Doesn't delight in darkness,
rejoices with the truth.

Always protects
Always trusts
Always hopes
Always perseveres

Something called love,
something that never fails.

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