Monday, November 12, 2007

Pretty dark night

Pretty dark night
"let it be"
Muttered glasses of wine
Lightly touching each other
and sing of cheer at the whine of others

I join in
Drink in, pour out, together
Ignoring limestones and stop creating another
I lose pace with myself

lose, lost
forgot to take off the cloak that worn around my heart
so lost
I am contented with nothingness
and still be full of 'gladness'

Sudden stop

all hands loosen and glasses cringe
all fell to the ground
can't hold back my tears
at the wailing of a child
in a manger beside our fears

1 comment:

Victor said...

i love this poem. (of course there r many others that i love too)

it's about a depressive, alcoholic man that is numb to the world around him. And God touched him through the cry of baby Jesus.

He was brought back to Bethlehem.