Monday, November 12, 2007


It is all in summer's view
It is flooded with thrills
Sweet laughters fill

Riding up, riding down
Swinging, side to side
Smiling, eat to ear
Hopping around, running
no end

Flying without wings
Driving the biggest truck in town
Catching thieves, shooting birds
Wander in wonderland
Fighting with Peter Pan
I thought I saw her
trying to bake cookies with leaves

Jane owns the beautiful castle
and gabbles happily
sounded better than my cookies.
But I can't make friends with sands
They don't hold themselves for me

Joanne can climb the fastest
Michelle, ran the swiftest
Rachel, prettiest
Me, loudest, what?...
No, i am quiet
but sigh the loudest

I don't have anything that stands out
I can't spell "excel"
I can't surpass my second-rate cells
I don't even have funny jokes to tell

She sat at the side and thoughts
run around in circles

Time's up
at the sound of daddy's scooter
She hops on, as usual
Head home

You should have seen the other kids' faces
How they longed to have a dad
that has a scooter and time too

Maybe there's a lesson to be learnt for everyone
hmm, don't know, I am not sure
But I've tasted the best cookies
it's baked with leaves

1 comment:

Victor said...

scene of a playground with kids that know each other.

flying, catch thieves, shoot birds - are all games.

i thought i saw her baking cookies with leaves - is the insecure girl i noticed while i was watching them play at the playground.

after that is the girl's monologue.

ai ya, i made the last two paragraphs too direct, not nice..