Sunday, April 8, 2007

Beach Sky

It's seven
and You began

slowly, red stepping down
lightening, orange over pale white
slipping and sliding in betweens
big blue canvas leaning against
curls lapping fine particles
emblazon, up above, in hues
silent wonder

hey, children's playing under Your breath
You bent to embrace
dyed them, with bliss
anymoe for me, in Your pallette?
I'm a lil' tired of sinking in, brooding loud
a lil' jaded, maybe

cottons turned scarlet darkness
Your rested brushes dripping leftovers
color fading
still beauty

It's seven thirty-five
please don't stop painting
i still need You
even after the
beach meeting my sky

1 comment:

Victor said...

it's a monologue to God and a description on how He beautifully painted the sunset. "it's seven" refers to the time. the poem suggests the author's longing for childhood and , and how God enjoys the presence of children.

"cottons turned scarlet darkness", surface meaning is the cloud turning red n into darkness after sunset. Also describes Christ's crucifixion, holiness turned to sin, covered in blood. If read the poem again, it lightly suggests the crucifixion, 7th hour is between 6th to 9th hour, when Jesus is dying, about darkness. "silent wonder" - of God's love. End of poem suggests the need for Christ even after his death. Poem's setting is sunset, dawn of the next day is the certainty of resurrection & victory.